Global Compliance and Ethics Program

Founded in 1997, 博彩平台网址大全开发并商业化用于严重疾病和医疗条件的创新生物制药, 专注于解决目前未满足的医疗需求的候选产品, 提出明确的发展规划,并提供率先进入市场的机会. 博彩平台网址大全的政策是按照最高的道德行为标准来开展业务的各个方面. In furtherance of this policy, 博彩平台网址大全承诺遵守适用于博彩平台网址大全业务的法律法规.

博彩平台网址大全’s Global Compliance & 道德计划是一项企业范围内的全球倡议,旨在解决OIG《博彩平台网址大全》中讨论的七个要素, as well as the tenets of the U.S. 联邦量刑指南和其他适用的法律法规. The purpose of the Program is to prevent, detect and correct fraud, misconduct, and violations of company policies, procedures, and/or applicable laws and regulations. The Program applies to 博彩平台网址大全 Directors, officers, employees and, in certain situations, our agents, consultants, and independent contractors.


The Corporate Governance & 博彩平台网址大全董事会提名委员会和审计委员会拥有监督项目和首席合规官(“合规官”)的最终权力。. 董事会和公司官员的意图是为所有董事的道德行为定下基调, officers, employees, and business partners.

合规官主要负责与项目相关的战略项目规划,包括确保项目的培训, policies and procedures, communications, auditing and monitoring, and corrective action processes are developed, in place, and modified as needed. 合规官向首席执行官和博彩平台网址大全董事会报告.

Policies and Procedures

博彩平台网址大全’s Global Code of Conduct & Business Ethics and the various compliance policies, procedures, 和/或流程在整个组织中与部门特定的程序或指导相结合. Among other things, 博彩平台网址大全的政策和程序解决了PhRMA准则和医疗或卫生专业人员的礼物. 博彩平台网址大全 Directors, officers, 员工应遵守博彩平台网址大全的所有全球合规政策, procedures, and processes. The total value of all gifts, promotional materials of monetary value, 而在任何历年内,可提供予任何个别医疗或保健专业人员的奖励,不得超过$5,000.00. For the avoidance of doubt, 向博彩平台网址大全提供的善意服务所支付的金额和PhRMA Code允许的类似付款不包括在此计算中. 这一年度限额应受到全球合规部门的监督和定期审查 & Ethics (“GCE”) department.

Education and Training

Education is a key element of our Program. 一经录用,所有员工都将接受公司合规培训. 针对合规风险可能更大或需要额外培训的问题,在特定部门和整个公司进行专门培训. The specialized training may include, but is not limited to, modules related to: HIPAA, the prohibition of off-label promotion, and compliance generally. In addition, 培训师和销售经理定期在区域和全国销售会议上讨论公司合规问题. 培训根据需要进行更新,原因可能包括:法律的变化, new risk areas, 以及对PhRMA法规或其他地区特定法规或法律的修改.

Our Program includes education and training of our Directors, officers, 以及员工对博彩平台网址大全计划和合规相关活动的了解, risks, and laws.


博彩平台网址大全致力于通过与员工的沟通来保持对该计划的认识. 博彩平台网址大全通过各种方式向员工分发通信,包括但不限于以下方式:全体会议, broadcast emails, and letters. 博彩平台网址大全还设有一条免费热线,用于报告合规问题,并有一套调查和记录问题的流程. 在美国,记者可以拨打热线电话+1 (866)513-7198. 其他国家的访问号码,以及在线报告的能力,可在 博彩平台网址大全 encourages Directors, officers, 员工应及时报告涉嫌或实际违反博彩平台网址大全的计划以及管理博彩平台网址大全业务的法律法规的行为. 博彩平台网址大全的免费热线允许匿名举报(法律禁止的情况除外),并由合规官监控.

Auditing and Monitoring

As part of the Program, 博彩平台网址大全将进行审计和监测活动,以评估项目政策的遵守情况, procedures, and processes, identify potential training needs and identify policy, procedure, or process needs.


博彩平台网址大全 is committed to an effective compliance program. 违反合规计划的执法行动在本守则和各种人力资源政策中有所规定.

Responding to Detected Offenses

该计划包括对已识别或报告的合规问题的调查和响应. 调查的反应和水平取决于报告或检测到的问题. 合规官负责监督调查和任何必要的纠正措施. 纠正措施包括采取适当的纪律处分, modifying policies, procedures or processes, employee education, or other action designed to prevent future violations.


Corporate Compliance and Ethics Program Declaration

基于博彩平台网址大全对加州健康与安全法第119400和119402条的真诚理解, 博彩平台网址大全 declares that, as part of its continued efforts in the area of compliance, we have developed a comprehensive Global Compliance & 根据本准则的要求,为博彩平台网址大全的商业运作制定道德计划. 据博彩平台网址大全所知,博彩平台网址大全在所有重要方面都遵守博彩平台网址大全的计划.


June 30, 2023

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